2 days until “A Magical Fairy-Tale” | Designer Reveal – Mags Graphics

2 days till kick off!  We’re so excited to be here today revealing  Mags of Mags Graphics. So let’s get to know Mags a little better! Make sure you read ’till the end for a sneaky peak of her gorgeous submission!



I’m Maggie / Mags / MagsGraphics from Ohio.  I’m a former 1st Grade Teacher -turned- At Home Mom and Digital Product Designer for MagsGraphics, Gingerscraps, Scraps-N-Pieces, and MyMemories.  I’ve been married to my college sweetheart for 20 years, and we’ve got two sons:  a 10th grader and 7th grader!  I’m a BIG NERD – I love Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Harry Potter, Walking Dead, and other geektastic things!


Q. How would you describe your design style?
Since I was a paper scrapper for over 20 years (I started when I was 15!), my designs are definitely reminiscent of paper-pieced materials.  I try to make my layouts look as “paper-like” as possible.

Q.  What is your favorite part of the design process?
My favorite part of the design process is making the kit previews; then I can see how it all comes together, and there is a tremendous sense of accomplishment of completing a new collection.

Q. Who is your favorite Disney character?
My favorite characters are all of the villains!  Maleficent is a Queen who can turn into a DRAGON – how neat of a trick is that?!  Plus, the villains are much more interesting… Ursula, Captain Hook, The Evil Queen – Fantastic!

Q. What’s your favorite Disney movie?
My favorite Disney movies are The Little Mermaid and Finding NemoThe Little Mermaid for the music, and Nemo for the witty one-liners.


Tea or Coffee?  UNsweetened, Iced Tea, NO Lemon
Single or Multi-Photo? MULTI!  I love to cram as many photos as I can on a layout!
Sun or Snow? SNOW!  I LOVE Snow!
Books or Movies? the BOOKS are always better… But I love a good movie too.
Skirts or Jeans? My favorite thing to wear is jeans and fleece!


Make sure you follow Mags Graphics to keep up to date with her goings on:

Here are a few of her amazing kits available for sale in her store:




We hope you enjoyed getting to know Mags a little better, don’t forget to check out her store and social media while you are waiting for the tour to kick off. But for now here’s a little sneak peek of what is to come:







Make sure you check back Tomorrow for the next designer reveal – thanks for stopping by!


3 days until “A Magical Fairy-Tale” | Designer Reveal – Melidy Designs

There’s only three days left until the next Magical Mousetery Tour departs, we hope you’re as excited as we are!  Today we are welcoming  Melissa of Melidy Designs back to the Mousetery Tour. So let’s get to know Melissa a little better! Make sure you read ’till the end for a sneaky peak of her gorgeous submission and a coupon to her store!



Hi all, I’m Melissa of Melidy Designs. I live in the North East of England with my  husband and our two dogs – Jak & Sally.  I only design part time right now, as both myself and Phill work for the RNLI full time.  It’s a UK charity/ public service that saves life at sea. Needless to say it keeps me pretty busy but scrapbooking and designing is what I love doing and what keeps me going! I love being a part of the Mousetery Tour, it’s the perfect fit for me since Disney and memory keeping are two of my biggest passions!


Q. What is the meaning behind your design name?
The name Melidy came about almost 10 years ago when Phill and I were dating, as a silly pet name (my real name is Melissa). I called him Phillidy, so he started calling me Melidy; still does occasionally. I decided quite early on I didn’t just want to use my name as my business name, and I’ve never really had any nicknames or anything, so Melidy Designs was born. Lots of people now call me Melidy, thinking that’s my name and I love it, as well as bringing back many memories, it has a whole new meaning behind it now and I love that!

Q. What about designing do you enjoy the most?
I just love stumbling across a layout in a gallery and seeing my stuff being used.  To be a part of someones memories and story telling is THE most amazing thing!

Q. What s your favorite Disney film?
My favourite film of all time is Beauty and the Beast.  It captivated me as a child it was romantic, magical and beautiful… plus I spent a lot of time dreaming of owning a library like that – still do!

Q.What is your favorite park?
I love all of them for their own reasons, but nothing beats the magic and wonder of Magic Kingdom. Rounding the corner on Main Street and catching view of the castle gives me goosebumps EVERY TIME!


Tea or Coffee?  Green Tea
Single Photo or Multi? Multi, I take so many photos, so the more the better!
Cats or Dogs? Dogs
Books or Movies? love a good movie, but books hold my heart more.
Template or Blank Canvas? Template 100%… Even if I have a page in mind, I create the template first and then make my page from there. That’s how most of the Template Tuesday’s originate – from pages I do for myself.


Make sure you follow Melidy Designs to keep up to date with her goings on:

Here are a few of her amazing kits available for sale in her store:




Melissa also sent over a coupon good for 25% off at her store!

We hope you enjoyed getting to know Melissa a little better, don’t forget to check out her store and social media while you are waiting for the tour to kick off. But for now here’s a little sneak peek of what is to come:



Make sure you check back Tomorrow for the next designer reveal – thanks for stopping by!


4 days until “A Magical Fairy-Tale” | Designer Reveal – Designs by Romajo

Only 4 days until A Magical Fairy-Tale!! Today we are welcoming back Marieke of Designs by Romajo, so lets get to know Marieke a little better… and make sure you read all the way to the end for an exclusive coupon and to see the sneak peek of the adorable freebie she’ll have for you when the tour departs on May 1st!



My name is Marieke and I live in the Netherlands. I am married and we have 1 daughter who will turn 13 in July. We also have a cat and a dog. We like to go for a walk, go on vacation, to take photos and to dance.


Q. What inspires your designs most?
Music is a great inspiration, but I can get inspired by colors, time of the year, a theme, a new set of CU products, things happening in our personal life or in the world.

Q. What is the meaning behind your design name?
As said before, my own name is Ma I am married to Robert and when our daughter Joline was born we were looking for a name for a website. It turned out to be Romajo. Ever since I have used this name in my online live.

Q. Who is your favourite character?
Duffy the Disney Bear!

Q. Which character would you say you are you most like?
Not sure who I am most alike, but my daughter sure is like Stitch. We even named our cat after her favorite character. Sometimes I wish we named him the other option (Duffy), because he can (re)act like a real Stitch and every now and then I had hoped that if we had called him Duffy he would have been a more lazy cat. LOL.


Princess or Pirate? Not into the pirates, although POTC is one of our favorite rides, but I love all the princesses, really don’t have a favorite.
Fab 5 or Princesses? Again, the princesses, but a trip isn’t complete without a meet with at least one of the fab 5.
Stash hoarder or Ruthless deleter? I have to admit, I am a stash hoarder. I have tons and tons of stash. I should go through it, but have been collecting since 2010, so it will be a huge job to get things sorted out and/or deleted… time I prefer to spend on designing and scrapping.
Cats or Dogs? Both! Although I think I can’t live without cats. The big cats (lions, tigers, cheetahs, etc.) are my favorite zoo/safari animals.
Tea or Coffee? Don’t like the smell of coffee, so it’s tea for sure! Right now my favorites are with fresh mint or with grounded ginger and honey. Just add hot water and drink it as hot as possible. YUMMM!


Make sure you follow Marieke to keep up to date with her goings on:
Site | Store | FacebookNewsletter

Here are a few of her amazing kits available for sale in her store:




Marieke also kindly sent over this coupon code for you all, use it to get 25% off at her store until June 30th. Just use the code: MMTmay17 at checkout.


We hope you enjoyed getting to know Marieke a little better, don’t forget to check out her store and social media while you are waiting for the tour to kick off. But for now here’s a little sneak peek of what is to come:



Make sure you check back Tomorrow for the next designer reveal – thanks for stopping by!


5 days until “A Magical Fairy-Tale” | Designer Reveal – Designz by Dede

Only 5 days until “A Magical Fairy-Tale” departs!  Today we are welcoming back Dede of DesignZ by Dede, so lets get to know her and her designs a little better – plus read to the end to see her “A Magical Fairy-Tale” sneak peek and pick up a coupon for her store!



Hi all! I’m DeDe from DesignZ by DeDe and I’m so excited to be a part of MMT and get a chance to share a little magic! I live in Utah with my family – my husband and my 2 kiddos! We love books, movies, Disney, and superheroes in the Smith Family and I love that those are the things that bring us together! I am a freelance graphic designer with a Bachelors Degree in Visual Communications. I’ve been digital scrapbook designing since 2009, when I discovered that I could combine 2 of my favorite things – design and scrapbooking!


Q. What is your favorite part of the design process?
I love color! My favorite part of designing is using color and creating a swatch for a kit.
Q. What is your favorite elements to use on your personal layouts?
I love ScatterZ! I love having a little sparkle of something behind photos and other elements – just to add that special extra touch! I guess really my favorite thing to do is stack elements and photos on the page!
Q. What’s the most Magical thing about Disney?
Everything! But I especially love the feeling that you get when you watch a Disney movie or meet a character or visit a park….it adds magic and sparkle to ordinary life. It makes you feel like a kid again and just brings families together.
Q. Most memorable Disney Moment?
So many moments but I guess I will have to say that my favorite is when we surprised our kids with a Disneyland trip. I put a ton of work into the planning of that adventure and it still brings me so much delight to remember that trip! You can read more about that on several blog posts that I made HERE.


Pocket Scrapbooking or TraditionalBOTH! I love using a combination!

Skirts or JeansJeans
Ice Cream or Cake? Ice Cream
Pixar or Animated Classics? Both, but if I have to choose – Pixar!
Single or Multi PhotoDefinitely Multi-Photo!


Make sure you follow Dede to keep up to date with her goings on:
Blog | Pinterest | Facebook | TwitterStore

Here are a few of her amazing kits available for sale in her store:




Dede also kindly sent over this coupon code for you all, use it to get 40% off your next order at her store. Just use the code: RXT3A12ONCI8

We hope you enjoyed getting to know Dede little better, don’t forget to check out her store and social media while you are waiting for the tour to kick off. But for now here’s a little sneak peek of what is to come:



Make sure you check back Tomorrow for the next designer reveal – thanks for stopping by!


6 days until “A Magical Fairy-Tale” | Designer Reveal – Heather Z Scraps

6 days to go until A Magical Fairy-Tale!! Today we are welcoming back Heather of Heather Z Scraps, so lets get to know Heather a little better… and make sure you read all the way to the end to see the sneak peek of the adorable freebie she’ll have for you when the tour departs on May 1st!



Hi there! I’m Heather Z. of Heather Z. Scraps!  I’m 35 and live in Northern VA (right outside of DC) with my husband of 10 years (John) and our two boys (Jacob, 8 and Henry, 5).  Rounding out our household are our two kitties: Bella and Charlie. I’ve been scrapping (traditional) for about 15 years now, but only started digi-scrapping 4 years ago and started designing 2 years ago!


Q. What is your favourite part of the design process? 
Creating alphas! I love alphas and personally think any kit without one is an incomplete kit because alphas are super fun to scrap with!
Q. Where does your color inspiration come from?
99% of the time my color palettes I choose are bright and vibrant colors. I’m just naturally drawn to those types of colors (you’d notice that in my home decor and wardrobe if you knew me personally, lol) .. I have a HUGE board on pinterest (both my personal account and my business account) for color palettes. I just keep collecting them and collecting them until I need a new one at which time I go to that board, pick a few that I like and think will fit my theme and then I narrow down the colors from there. 9 times out of 10 I will use 3 or 4 color palettes from Pinterest to put together one 6 or 7 color color-palette for my own use.
Q. How old were you on your first Disney trip?
Q. Who is your favourite character?
It’s hard for me to choose just one character, but if I HAVE to I’m going to go old school and choose Mickey Mouse. 🙂 My favorite princess is Sleeping Beauty, I think. 🙂


Florida or California? Florida
Snow or Sun? Sun!!
Disney Hotel or Off Site? Disney Hotel!
Facebook or Twitter? Facebook!!


Make sure you follow Heather to keep up to date with her goings on:
Blog | StorePinterest | Facebook | Newsletter |

Here are a few of her amazing kits available for sale in her store:




We hope you enjoyed getting to know Heather a little better, don’t forget to check out her store and social media while you are waiting for the tour to kick off. But for now here’s a little sneak peek of what is to come:



Make sure you check back Tomorrow for the next designer reveal – thanks for stopping by!


7 day’s until “A Magical Fairy-Tale” | Designer Reveal – FranB Designs

One week to go until A Magical Fairy-Tale!! Today we are welcoming back Fran of Fran B Designs, so lets get to know Fran a little better… and make sure you read all the way to the end to snag a special coupon and to see the sneak peek of the amazing freebie she’ll have for you when the tour departs on May 1st!



My name is Fran and I live in Indiana with my husband and son, who is 13. We’ve travelled to Disney about 12 times since he’s been born. I love designing and creating new things and playing with color. I have been selling my designs since November 2011. I currently sell at Scraps N Pieces and My Memories.


Q. How would you describe your design style?
Cute, paper style, cheerful, colorful.

Q. What is the meaning behind your design name?
It’s my name. B is the first letter of my last name. When I started doing blog freebies, I considered different design names, but I always put FranB on my files, so I went with it!

Q. Do you have a favourite tip or strategy for the parks?
We like to bring cereal/bagels/poptarts to eat in our room before we head out for the day. We buy milk from the gift shop and have cheap breakfasts each day! And when we go home, we have extra room for souvenirs!

Q. Which character would you say you are you most like?
Mickey. Hey pal!


Princess or Pirate? Princess
Pocket Scrapbooking or Traditional? Traditional
Florida or California? Florida
Handwritten or Typed? Typed
Pepsi or Coke?
 Diet Pepsi


Make sure you follow Fran to keep up to date with her goings on:
Site | Store | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Newsletter

Here are a few of her amazing kits available for sale in her store:




Fran also sent over this coupon code for you to use: FranB_mmt40 It is good for 40 percent off until 05/31, make sure you take advantage of this great offer!

We hope you enjoyed getting to know Fran a little better, don’t forget to check out her store and social media while you are waiting for the tour to kick off. But for now here’s a little sneak peek of what is to come:



Make sure you check back Tomorrow for the next designer reveal – thanks for stopping by!


8 days until “A Magical Fairy-Tale” | Designer Reveal – Triple J Designs

There’s only 8 days until the 6th Magical Mousetery Tour departs! We’re so excited to be revealing our next contributing designer as Jenn of Triple J Designs. So let’s get to know Jenn a little better, and make sure you read ’till the end to see her sneak peek of the amazing “A Magical Fairy-Tale”  freebie that will be on her blog come May 1st!



My name is Jenn and I design as Triple J Designs. I started as a traditional scrapper in 2008 and moved to digital scrapping in 2012. I started designing about a year later. I currently live in Saint Louis, MO with my husband and our daughter (17) and son (11). I am an avid reader and I love crime shows, reality TV and the Discovery Channel 🙂


Q. What do you enjoy doing when you aren’t designing?
I love to read or watch the National Geographic or Discovery Channels, but mostly I enjoy spending time with my family.

Q. How long had you been scrapbooking before you took the plunge into designing?
I started as a traditional scrapbooker in 2008 with no intention of ever going digital.  In 2011, I was given a free copy of MyMemories and I was hooked! I started designing about a year later 🙂

Q. Who is your favourite character?
Stitch!! We share the number 626….my birthday is 6/26 🙂

Q. Which character are you most like?
Eeyore 🙂



Princess or Pirate? Pirate
Single or Multi Photo? Multi
Early Bird or Night Owl? Night Owl
Saver or Spender? Saver
Short Trip or Vacation? Vacation



Make sure you follow Triple J to keep up to date with her goings on:
Site | StoreFacebook | Twitter | Pinterest |Newsletter

Here are a few of her amazing kits available for sale in her store:



tjd_promnight_KitWe hope you enjoyed getting to know Jenn a little better, don’t forget to check out her store and social media while you are waiting for the tour to kick off. But for now here’s a little sneak peek of what is to come:



Make sure you check back tomorrow for the next designer reveal – thanks for stopping by!


9 days until “A Magical Fairy-Tale” | Designer Reveal – Polka Dot Chicks

Only 9 days until “A Magical Fairy-Tale”. Today we are welcoming back Tammy and Shelby of the Polka Dot Chicks! So lets get to know them a little better and read all the way until the end for a little peek at their beautiful sampler freebie!



Hi!  My name is Tammy and my daughter Shelby and I are the Polka Dot Chicks!  We have been doing this since 2008 when we started with just a blog and freebies….We live in Kansas City, Missouri and while Shelby lives on her own and works FT and is pursuing her photography career, she still offers ideas and feedback.  I also enjoy reading and cross-stitching and spending time with my kids & family.  My oldest son, 28, Andy is a music teacher in a local middle school; My youngest son, 26, Matt works for a luxury apt. complex and recently moved to Chicago, IL with his husband of 3 years; My youngest, Shelby, is 22 and works also for a luxury apt complex and also has a photography business in Kansas City – ShelbyB Photography.  So my hubby and I are empty nesters and love to travel as well.


Q. What is the meaning behind your design name?
Well when we started out in 2008 we were the Queen and the Princess and that was great but we had a few digital stores that really some unethical behaviour to it’s designers and one in particular took advantage of us financially as well and well we got discouraged and almost hung up our hat. We took some time off and decided to not give up and regroup and recharge, we decided to re-brand ourselves.  I love Polka Dots and Shelby suggested ‘Chicks’ as we are CHICKS!  LOL and well it stuck and a success!
Q. What is your favorite part of the design process?
This is going to sound so bizarre, but I love the making of the previews.  To me they are an extension of the kit and like little pages of art.  I find it very relaxing to make previews.

Q. Who is your favorite character?

Mine is Eeyore and Shelby’s used to be Tigger…not sure she has a particular favorite at the moment….

 Q. How many times have you visited a Disney Park?
Twice.  Disneyland when I was 5 and DisneyWorld on my honeymoon with my 2nd husband (1999) AND a Disney Cruise on the Magic in 2012 with Matt and Shelby.  IT was a blast.  I highly recommend the Disney Cruises.


Make sure you follow the Polka Dot Chicks to keep up to date with thier goings on:
Site | Store | Facebook

Here are a few of their amazing kits available for sale in their store:

unnamed (3)


unnamed (1)




We hope you enjoyed getting to know Tammy and Shelby a little better, don’t forget to check out thier store while you are waiting for the tour to kick off. But for now here’s a little sneak peek of what is to come:



Make sure you check back Tomorrow for the next designer reveal – thanks for stopping by!


10 days until “A Magical Fairy-Tale” | Designer Reveal – Natalies Place Designs

We’re so excited to be kicking off the countdown to the next Magical Mousetery Tour: “A Magical Fairy-Tale”. Today we are welcoming back Natalie of Natalie’s Place Designs! So settle in as we get to know Natalie a little better and see a sneaky peek of her gorgeous freebie…



Q. How long have you been designing?
I have been an artist for most of my life, having attended college to be an art teacher. I’ve been designing digitally since 2006 and I started seriously designing scrapbook supplies in 2010.

Q. Where do you find your design inspiration?
Anywhere and everywhere… A color combination, a pattern, a song, a single photograph.  The list goes on and on.

Q. What about designing do you love the most?
I enjoy the challenge of creating… to have an idea in my head and find a way to make it come to life…

Q. Who is your favorite character?

Q. Why do you love Disney?
I have loved Disney since I was a little girl… One of the first places I really remember going with my parents was Disneyland and the first movie I ever saw in a theatre was Sleeping Beauty. My love of Disney was rekindled in college when I took a class on animation and I was hooked. I took my boyfriend (now my husband…) to see Lady & the Tramp when it was playing at the local theatre. He had a great appreciation for it because he saw first hand how my effort, skill and artistry goes into creating animation.  A few years later I took him to see Beauty & the Beast and now I had him hooked.


Make sure you follow Natalie to keep up to date with her goings on:
Site | Store

Here are a few of her amazing kits available for sale in her store:




We hope you enjoyed getting to know Natalie a little better, don’t forget to check out her store while you are waiting for the tour to kick off. But for now here’s a little sneak peek of what is to come:



Make sure you check back Tomorrow for the next designer reveal – thanks for stopping by!